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My boy

This parenting business is no joke 

As long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a mom. I wanted to be young enough to enjoy it all. When we got married, we got pregnant immediately. I was 21 and with a little boy. It was wonderful, it still is. But now life is so much more full. We have so much going on. Life has changed.

Lucas is 4 going on 14. He has opinions and ideas, he yells and he screams.Boy does he scream.  He is angry, he knows mean words, and uses them. He isn’t that little person who fit in between my chest. It is so hard to remember that little person. I’ve been ashamed of my lack of patience with him. I usually forgive myself because I know we all have bad days, and he. He is so forgiving. He loves me unconditionally.

I want to try and be a better person to him. Remember that, even though  he may seem so incredibly mature for his age and so very smart, he still needs guidance. He still need me to help him cope with all of his feelings.

He is the best son I could have ever wished for. He loves so much, and is so passionate about everything he is interested on. Him and I, we are so alike. I hope to build a relationship of trust. For him to know that no matter what, I am here. Not to judge, but to listen and help. For now, we’ll deal with the daily power struggles of a boy who wants it all …attention, love, time, toys, tv, icecream and me.


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