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zoe is here, sweet pea apple of my eye


My sweet baby girl was born 2.17.13

It was a quick birth. I arrived at the hospital at 10:50 and she was earth side at 12:50.

She was born naturally in the water, without complications.

it was a surreal and very beautiful experience. I planned and worked hard to get the birth I wanted. I searched for a midwife practice and stumbled across some amazing doulas. I practiced my hypno-babies daily. I also surrounded myself with positive birth stories. I switched my perception that birth was hard, to it being positive and normal. My body was made to birth my babies. 

Surprisingly I never got scared, like i did with my previous birth. I was pretty confident in my choices, and knew  was in the right hands. My husband is my rock, and couldn’t have found a better person to have by my side.

I am so happy to finally have her here, specially after suffering two losses before trying to conceive her. Life isn’t always fair, but I know I wouldn’t change a thing because I know get to hold her.

I am complete.

(photo taken by Doula Andrea)

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